Requirements & All Courses
Women's and Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary minor that draws from knowledge and expertise in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
To complete the minor, you must complete 18 credit hours including the following:
- Three credit hours: WGS 2300 Women's and Gender Studies, an Introduction
- Fifteen credit hours selected from the list of WGS courses
- Students may also take approved special topics and study abroad courses. These courses may require a petition for to be reflected as a minor course on a student's Degree Audit
- Students in the College of Arts and Sciences can also count one course for both their major and minor. This may require a petition to be reflected on a student's Degree Audit
Women's and Gender Studies Courses
All of the courses in the long list are not offered each semester. Please click on the button below for the current semester offerings.
Depending on when these new courses are taken, students may need to submit a petition for this to be reflected on their Degree Audit. For assistance with petitions, Please contact Theresa Kennedy at You can also use the button below.
WGS 2300 Women's and Gender Studies, an Introduction
ARTH 3391 Women in Modern and Contemporary Art
ARTH/CLA 4361 Greek Painted Pottery
CFS 4356 The Family: A Global Perspective
CFS 4363 Adolescent Development
CLA 3330 Women and Gender in Antiquity
CSS 3311 Interpersonal Communication
CSS 4313 Communication and the Family
CSS 4350 Rhetoric of Women and Gender
EDP 2336 The Developing Child
ENGL 4305 Women Writers
GTX 3330 Great Texts by Women
HIS 2390 Women's and Gender History (Global)
HIS 3306 Women and Gender in Chinese History
HIS 4334 Women in Europe to 1200
HIS 4335 Women in Europe since 1200
HIS 4377 American Women's History to 1865
HIS 4378 American Women's History since 1865
JOU 4305 Gender, Race & Media
PHI 3320 Philosophical Issues in Feminism
PWR 3316 Women's Writing and Rhetoric
REL 3325 Women and Gender in the Old Testament
REL 3338 Women in Christian History
REL 3397 Gender, Feminism, and Theology
REL 4338 Women in Religion in America
SOC 3354 Marriage and the Family
SWO 2320 Human Leadership and Diversity
SWO 4315 Foundations of Social Justice