Current Courses Offered
Spring 2025
WGS 2300 Women's & Gender Studies, Introduction
ARTH/CLA 4361 Greek Painted Pottery
***BUS 4V98 From Smith to Swift: Exploring the Female Experience in Business (special topics course)
CFS 4356 The Family: A Global Perspective
CFS 4363 Middle Child & Adolescent Development
CLA 3330 Women and Gender in Antiquity
CSS 3311 Interpersonal Communication
CSS 4313 Communication and the Family
CSS 4350 Rhetoric of Women and Gender
EDP 2336 The Developing Child
HIS 2390 Women's and Gender History (Global)
HIS 4378 U.S. Women's History since 1865
JOU 4305 Gender, Race, & Media
PHI 3320 Philosophical Issues in Feminism
***REL 4300 Women in the World Religions (special topics course)
SOC 3354 Marriage & the Family
SWO 2320 Human Diversity and Leadership
SWO 4315 Foundations for Social Justice